Dear Peter Sprigg,
Just read what you had to say about homosexuals serving openly in the military and you warned that if DADT was repealed that "homosexuals in the military are three times more likely to commit sexual assaults than heterosexuals." And you said it with a straight face (no pun intended). So what you're saying here is that if soldiers are allowed to come out of the military closet, they're gonna go on a mad raping spree...?
Did that happen to women when they were first allowed to serve in the military? Did the male soldiers suddenly lose all sense of honor and rape female soldiers left-n-right? Or maybe the female soldiers raped the male soldiers? Because attraction (and lack of sex) is what causes rape, right?
Is that what happen in other country's armies who allow homosexuals to serve openly? Das uber rape?
I mean, that's what I did when I first came out of the closet - I raped everyone in sight. Not literally, of course, no, no... I raped willing victims who's number I always managed to get afterwards. I, as a human, know that rape is a violent act and is wrong and will have me thrown in jail where I, too, will most likely get raped. And I don't want that.
But what do I know? I'm just a common citizen in this country not a loyal, committed soldier.
Have lovely day and try not to get too close to Hell's Kitchen or West Hollywood - I hear there are mad rapists on every corner.
Kiss noise,
Aaron Elvis James