Here I am, thousands of feet above the U.S. typing away on my computer - blogging. This on-board WiFi kinda rocks. My Macbook, however, is acting kinda strange. The trackpad is all wonky and I'm wondering if it's the gravity playing tricks with it, or what. I feel like this mo-fo is possessed or something.
Mayhaps I shouldn't be typing on this, OR mayhaps I should restart the computer.
Maybe it's because I have Jack Lalanne on this flight, but I doubt it.
UPDATE: So I restarted my computer and it helped, slightly. The trackpad is definitely gone wonky and I'm definitely assuming it's from the air cabin pressure.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
I'm about to watch my stories from ABC last night - fingers crossed it'll work. Love that I can watch from high above Iowa. Then Nebraska. Then Colorado. A great state, that Colorado...