Today on the subway a woman was (loudly) yammering on to an older man about her Direct TV woes -- how she called about something or other and had to wait an hour for what-have-you for whatever the fuck she was calling about -- it was annoying, pointless and BORING AS HELL. The man she was talking to at was looking at her with an expression I have seen many times - the glassy eyed stare. It was then that I realized where I had see the blank look before. It was the look that my friends give me often.
Am I a yammering annoyance? Do my stories really go on about nothing and have little to no point to them? Yes. Many of them do.
But I'm gonna keep telling them until someone asks, "Does this story have a point?" or "Where's this story going?" or even "I'm sorry - were you talking to me?"
It's just my policy.
Oh... I get it! A boring, yammering story about boring, yammering stories. It's like a painting within a painting. Sheer genius!!!
All my love!
Posted by: Aaron | Tuesday, October 02, 2007 at 08:48 AM