Here are some excellent pop culture subjects for opening "meaningful" discussions with others over the long holiday weekend:
+ Star Jones quitting/getting fired from The View. (Note - before you throw this one out there, choose a side. Do you agree that Star was forced out or are you singing Ding-Dong, That Bitch Is Gone with Barbara and Joy? Hint: Barbara Walters will undoubtedly be the more popular choice)
+ Britney Spears copying channeling Demi Moore with her nude-n-pregnant cover of Harper's Bazaar. (Note - this topic will open up a whole slew of topics on l'il Miss Spears such as her Dateline interview with Matt Lauer, her loser husband, and her mothering skills or lack thereof, etc.)
+ Did Tori Spelling actually get to reconcile with her father, Aaron Spelling, before he died this past Friday? Did her gift-wrapping mother really not call her to let her know that her father had passed away?
+ Tom-n-Katie's "baby" has yet to surface and no one wanted to buy exclusive rights to the baby's first pix (even Brad-n-Angelina raked in a cool $4 million...). What;s going on? Does Suri even exist? Madonna tickets. Do you have them? If so, how much did you pay for them? (Remember: the more you've paid and the closer you are to Madge will define your social status until...well...the next tour.)
+ Janet Jackson's comeback after Nipplegate turned her into an overweight agoraphobe. Have you heard her new song with Nelly called "Call On Me"? If you haven't heard the song just know that current polls* are reporting that it's bland and b-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ring.
+ Superheroes are the new Supermodels. Who's your fave? Superman? Spiderman? Batman? Aquaman? Or are you into groups like The X-Men? (If so, Wolverine or Colossus?)
* Current Poll = me and the numerous people I've asked
I agree re: pregnant women not being hot. Keep that naked belly to yourself, hayseed.
Posted by: maximan | Sunday, July 09, 2006 at 05:29 PM
TomKat is a publicity stunt, so my bet is on no real baby. I could talk for ages about Britney, but that cover combined with my irrational gay fear of pregnant women will keep me traumatized & hence shut up for quite awhile.
Posted by: chase | Thursday, July 06, 2006 at 02:58 PM
i'm into groups.
i mean, er, i'm into the X-Men.
but i just saw 'Superman' and i have to say,
Brandon Routh is one of the most beautiful men currently on the screen. stunning and appealing.
Posted by: rob | Monday, July 03, 2006 at 07:15 PM
you have some of the best news (gossips) in here! fun ! i liked the Britney Spears' new photoshoot! - but i honestly dont think that pregnant women are hot! yuck hehehe
Posted by: Alexsander | Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 01:44 PM
I'd have to go with my adolescent crush on Sam J. Jones as "Flash Gordon" who also had a Playgirl spread that got dug up after he did the movie.
Posted by: mickeyitaliano | Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 10:03 PM