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And the funny is that ipod costs 1/3 of its price to be produced. Maybe they are spending their efforts only to sell, but neither them know what they are selling.

While I haven't had a probelm myself (he types while knocking on wood), my friend has recently gone through 3 ipods via the genius bar in a rather short time all ending with that sad little face. he said that they replace ipod with refurbished models not new, so beware...and YES, they should replace the whole ipod again. they really need to fix this situation as it happens all too often (always keep a back-up of your itunes library!!!)

Sorry to hear about your iPod misery. I have been there. The battery thing is a particular drag. You can reserve a spot at the genius bar at the Apple store website, That way you can pick a convenient time rather than waiting and waiting. Also, the Apple website Support tabs have message boards and discussions which are tedious to wade through, but often have answers, and people will get back to you with suggestions. or just call me, you can get my number from Franna when she's not busy swimming with Mariah Carey. Good Luck.

they screw you on the batteries. ipod mini batteries are $99 for example. i saw someone on the bus with a radio-cassette player (and for some reason also a modern cellphone). perhaps go back in time to what works - though cumbersome and heavy. you'll just have to pick your favorite 90 minutes of music. might i suggest 30 adam ant songs in a row? sorry ipods bust. i've avoided them so far, even though i'm on a mac.

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