** Batman Begins was fully rad. Shep and I saw it at the IMAX theater and enjoyed every moment of the film. Finally, a good script about a superhero who is not superhuman. It also makes you cringe to think about how cheesy the others were before this...they are now laughable.
** Monkey Business by The Black Eyed Peas. Me likee. Especially "Pump It."
** The first episode of Six Feet Under's final season. It felt like catching up w/ family after not seeing them for a while and realizing just how much you missed them.
** The White Stripes new CD Get Behind Me Satan. Jack White shot his load on Loretta Lynn's Van Lear Rose and is now giving you leftovers.
** Madonna's new housefrau thang. I mean, c'mon, what was The View about this morning? It was an oh-so sterile interview except for one one brief shining moment of the old Madonna we used to know and love.
** Jerry Hall 's Kept on VH1. I wouldn't keep one of them. Talk about bottom feeders...
Madonna is definately a Mom now. Good for her, boring for everyone else.
Posted by: Flesh von Wintoor | Sunday, June 12, 2005 at 10:11 PM