This afternoon I was walking behind Amy Sedaris and Todd Oldham (for many blocks...see:stalking) and wanted desperately to go up to Amy and tell her to "pee on me."
But I figured Todd might just.
P.S. I'm not into water-sports...just Strangers with Candy.
"Have you hugged a violent child today?" I love Amy! David has a book reading here in town next month the show was sold out almost immediatley. Hey, I saw you're a new writer at Can't wait to see your posts. Go on over now and take my Simple Life quiz. "Are you the Paris or the Nicole of your group?"
Posted by: Atticus West | Sunday, June 20, 2004 at 07:16 AM
Amy Sedaris is a total pee-worthy gal. If I were to accept another's waste, it would be her. Wonder if she still has that bell on her Cee U Next Tuesday.
Next time, try get a clipping of her hair, a la The Thin Man from Charlie's Angels 1.
Posted by: Jason | Monday, June 14, 2004 at 08:37 AM
Man! You are so lucky!! I love Amy Sedaris, Strangers with Candy AND Todd Oldham. I think I'd pee my own pants. (so, no need to ask someone else!)
Posted by: bouchemuse | Wednesday, June 09, 2004 at 08:13 PM