Something odd happened to me last Friday and I'm just now processing it. The situation was thus: I recieved an e-mail from someone who tells me he was "Googl-ing" his best friend's name (herein known as JTH) when he came upon an entry I made about said friend. The entry spoke of how I was thinking about JTH and wondering what became of him because he had literally disappeared from my life and I wondered how/where he was. JTH and I had been dating a very short time during my New Orleans excursion (aka the lowest point my life) and I held onto him (his friendship/interest in me) like a vice grip because he was all I had down there. I was in a horrible head space and I'm sure it scared the shit out of neediness, that is.
Anyway, the friend tells me that JTH "would die if he knew (he) was e-mailing (me)" and asked if I was interested in "chatting about him". I responded with an "oh-my-god-i-can't-believe-this-is-happening-is-he-okay" e-mail, then the friend writes back that all is well and attaches some pictures. JTH looks (for the most part) exactly the same -- cute -- and I finally have closure in The Mystery of the Missing Southern Boy that's been in the back of my mind for a long time.
And I have the fuckin' world wide web to thank for it. Go figure.
He was all you had down there? HE was all you had down there??!! What was I, Rosario to your Karen Walker? And who left whom alone in the Dirty South...
Posted by: Charlie | Thursday, April 29, 2004 at 08:07 PM
That is so nice! :) I'm glad it made you happy.
It makes me want to type the name of random friends and relationships from the past in a blog entry. Maybe I will just pick random people out of the phone book!
Posted by: Michael | Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 08:12 PM
That's such a cute Oprah story. :oD Can't you already see her doing her little intro, followed by a video montage of re-enactments and old photos with soaring background music? Haha.
Isn't closure the best thing since cheese? :o)
Posted by: Flip | Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 01:17 PM
How bizzare and yet so mystical. I wonder if JTH ever Googled himself and discovered your blog without you knowing. I know I did. As in Googled my name (not blogname). :-)
Posted by: wcb | Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 09:51 AM